About Us

Everyone who has tried to research specific boats to purchase,upgrade or repair finds a shared knowledge base invaluable.

This site was launched in November 2003 in an effort to provide a useful on-line information resource for all people interested in Shetland Boats, whether they currently own one or not.

Specialist interests sites such as this can be difficult to start as they will not attract regular visitors unless they contain sufficient relevant content which is best collated from individual owners with practical experience to share.In order to do this, the site is mostly interactive, with visitors being able to post and reply to forum messages.

This website contains

A Gallery of Owners photos of their own boats.

Information on Past and present models of Shetland Boats.

Private classified advertising.

An open forum for the discussion of Shetland and boating related topics.

The member list is not accessible or viewable to non members.

Links to other websites of interest to Boat Owners.